Hiraeth: “a longing to be where your spirit lives.”

Word of the Week

The untranslatable word that connects Wales

Desiderare: Latin word for "longing for"

Japanese: 郷愁 - kyoushuu

The word nostalgia comes from the Greek words: "νόστος" to go home and "algos" pain

Nostos (νόστος) is a theme in Greek literature which is related to the hero's journey back to his homeland. The idea is that the hero is not only coming back physically but also focuses on elevating their status when returned. Nostos can only be told by people who have exp in it


→ It's not coming back home → is it searching for home?

Where the spirit longs to go

Where the spirit longs to go → desire → purpose

The desire of oneself vs their purpose in the world:

Ghosts in

  1. Mesopotamia:

Gidim: are thought to be created at the time of death by taking the memory and personality of a dead person; a ghost living in the underworld was similar to normal living - they had houses and could meet with people there

  1. Egypt:

The soul is separated into several parts