The Epic of GIlgamesh.pdf

Nemesis Examples and Definition - Literary Devices—-greek-tragedians-nemesis

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The word nostalgia comes from the Greek words: "νόστος" to go home and "algos" pain

Nostos (νόστος) is a theme in Greek literature which is related to the hero's journey back to his homeland. The idea is that the hero is not only coming back physically but also focuses on elevating their status when returned. Nostos can only be told by people who have exp in it

Literally devices in epics and tragedies:

The Fall of the Tragic Hero A Critique of the “Hubristic.pdf


hubristic principle makes specific that the fall of the hero is as a result of sin or wrong that he committed” → you brought that on yourself type of things → sometimes it is deserved, sometimes it is due to outside forces

The cause of the pleasure for those committing hubris is that by harming people, they think themselves superior”

→ believing you are more than others

“A person shows hubris (arrogance) by deliberately indulging in conduct which is bad, immoral, or at best useless because it is what he wants to do, having no regard for the lives or rights of other people”

→ be conscious of those around you

→ homo homini lupus est - a man is a wolf to another man

a refusal to accept one’s place within a rational system”